
Inspirisys partners with SBI and Integritas Consultants empowering Employee Financial Wellness

Inspirisys partners with SBI and Integritas Consultants empowering Employee Financial Wellness
06 July 2023

Inspirisys partners with SBI and Integritas Consultants empowering Employee Financial Wellness

Inspirisys strongly emphasizes the holistic growth of employees, recognizing the significance of their financial well-being in this process. In partnership with SBI and Integritas Consultants, we have equipped our workforce with the essential knowledge and resources to make informed choices regarding their financial future.

This collaboration has provided our employees with expert guidance on the National Pension Scheme (NPS), a government-supported retirement savings plan that presents attractive investment options and various benefits in financial planning and investment. By leveraging these resources, our employees are empowered to optimize their NPS contributions and maximize their retirement savings for a secure future.