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Inspirisys Remote Working Solutions:

Change is the only constant. Whether it’s nature, technology or the economy, everything undergoes rapid change that brings many challenges on the table. The work environment embraced by various organizations few months back, is completely different from the environment where they are working r...

By Admin

01 July 2020

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The Security Challenges brought by COVID-19:

There is no denying that the current global pandemic has put the world in a volatile and unstable phase. Nevertheless, cyber-attackers never made their mind to take any time off. As work-from-home is becoming the new normal, organizations are distracted to handle the security risks. Security and ris...

By Admin

19 June 2020

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How Banking will look like after the pandemic:

COVID-19 is making an adverse impact across the globe. Many countries are facing immense social and economic disruption. In less than no time, everything has changed and daily life will never be the same. The Banking industry has already started struggling with basic operations, workforce and custom...

By Admin

19 May 2020

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How cloud computing is keeping us connected amid the COVID-19 pandemic:

There is no denying that COVID-19 is the biggest pandemic of the 21st century. As social distancing is the new norm and lockdown being implemented across the globe, businesses are pushed to rely on technologies in every aspect of operations. This further pressing the businesses to go remote as a bus...

By Admin

13 May 2020

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Internet of Things from Cyber Security Perspective:

Companies can no longer avoid digital transformation. No matter to which industry they belong, Internet of Things is an essential element in their transformation bucket list. Rapid technological innovations in IoT have resulted in many aspects of our lives being connected. This connectedness has its...

By Admin

30 April 2020

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How COVID-19 is bringing a new wave of healthcare innovation:

No one can predict the exact occurrences of the future. But, preparedness for the future is vital in the present. COVID-19 is a frightful shock to the global economy as well as the thousands of individuals and families it has affected. With this virus, we are already seeing early signs of a shift in...

By Admin

23 April 2020

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Enable Consumer Grade Experience with Inspirisys NexGen Delivery:

Digital transformation is vital in today’s digital world. The change in consumer behaviour has completely changed the way how services are delivered by the enterprises. This in-turn altered the functions across the enterprises. On the flip side, the evolution of technologies like Cloud, Automa...

By Admin

09 April 2020

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DevOps approach to automated build and release system:

Software industry is constantly pushing its boundaries to shorten the cycle times in the development and operations process. Developers were working in isolation to get rid of the build failures that break the entire system. This approach changed after the introduction of automated build and re...

By Admin

30 March 2020

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IT Roadblocks that can derail remote-working contingency Plans:

Two out of five organisations have no business contingency plan in place to deal with a sudden disruption or a disaster. The recent coronavirus outbreak poses a state of flux to almost all businesses across the world. As a business continuity plan, stepping into the work-from-home approach is the on...

By Admin

23 March 2020